Sastojci (za 16 keksića)
-50 ml kokosovo brašno
-80 ml + 4 žlice vode
-1 žlica sjemenki lana
-1 do 2 žlice meda
-30 do 50 grama čokolade
-200 ml sjemenki suncokreta
-1 žličica sode bikarbone
Lan i vodu natopite nekoliko sati prije. Sve sastojke pomiješajte. Po potrebi dodajte jos 2 do 3 zlice vode.
Oblikujte kuglice, posložite na papir za pečenje i spljoštite svaki vilicom. Pecite na 150°C 15 minuta i držite ih u isključenoj pećnici 5 minuta. Jedite tek kada se potpuno ohlade. Mogu stajati 3 dana (možda i više) u hladnjaku.
Narežite veliku bananu i zamrznite na dva sata. Izblendajte i po želji dodajte kakao
Ingredients (16 cookies):
-200 ml ground sunflower seeds
-50 ml coconut flour
-30 g chocolate chips (feel free to add more)
-1 or 2 tbsp honey
-1 tbsp coconut oil
-1 tbsp flaxseed
-80 ml + 4 tbsp water
Make flax egg a few hours prior to baking. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, if necessary, add 2-3 tbsp water. Shape them to your liking, put them on baking sheet and press them gently with a fork. Bake at 150°C for 15 minutes. Turn off the oven and remove them after 5 minutes. Eat after cooled completely. Store them in a fridge.
*Ice cream:
Slice 1 big banana and refrigerate 3 hours. Blend and serve, add some cocoa powder if you want.
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