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Rolice s jabukama
300 g glatko brašno
100 g raženo brašno
Pola žličice soli
60 g maslac
100 ml toplog mlijeka
Tople vode po potrebi
4 žličice suhog kvasca
2 žlice marmelade (ili šećer)
2 do 3 žlice šećera
6 malih jabuka
Cimet, anis, muškatni oraščić
Kvasac i marmeladu otopite u toplom mlijeku. Nakon 10 minuta, dodajte prosijano brašno, sol i tekući maslac. Dodajete toplu vodu dok ne uspijete zamijesiti glatko tijesto. Ostavite 1 h tijesta neka se diže. Premijesite tijesto i ostavite još pola sata neka miruje. Za to vrijeme pripremite nadjev. Jabuke naribajte i pomiješajte sa šećerom i začinima.
Razvaljajte tijesto tanko u oblik pravokutnika. Nadjev dobro procijedite pa rasporedite po tijestu ravnomjerno. Zarolajte tako da 'rolada' bude duža. Oštrim nožem izrežite rolice, neka budu debljine dva prsta. Neka se još dižu do pečenja. Upalite pećnicu na 180°C i pecite 30 minuta. Ostavite u ugašenoj pećnici još 10 minuta.
Apple rolls recipe
300 g plain flour
100 g rye flour
1/2 tsp salt
60 g butter
100 ml warm milk
2 tbsp marmelade (or sugar)
6 small apples
2 to 3 tbsp sugar
Cinnamon, nutmeg
Add yeast and marmelade to said amount of warm milk. After 10 minutes, add sifted flour, salt and melted butter. Stir and add more warm water until you can form a smooth ball. Keep the dough for an hour in warm place. Knead the dough and then let it rest for another 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, you make a filling. Grate the apples, add the spice, pour sugar on them and stir well.
Roll the dough thinly on a flat surface in a rectangular shape. Strain the filling well. Spread the filling evenly and fold in way that makes longer roll. Cut the roll into 2 fingers thick rolls. Let them rest until your oven is ready.
Heat the oven to 180°C. Bake for 30 minutes, turn off the oven and leave them inside for another 10 minutes.
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