- 2 jaja
- 1 žlica maslaca
- 100 g šećera
- 8 g vanilin šećera
- prstohvat soli, klinčića i muškatnog oraščića
- 250 ml tekućeg jogurta
- 250 g oštrog brašna
- pola žličice soda bikarbone
- 100 g borovnica
- 10 badema za posip
Izmutite sve sastojke osim brašna i borovnica (prethodno otopite maslac). Umiješajte brašno, a nakon toga i borovnice. Pospite sjeckanim bademima. Pecite na 175 C oko 20 minuta tj. dok ne narastu i poprime zlatnožutu boju.
Ingredients (10 muffins)
- 2 eggs
- 1 tbsp butter
- 100 g sugar
- 8 g vanilla sugar
- a pinch of salt, spices (nutmeg)
- 250 ml plain yoghurt
- half tsp baking soda
- 100 g blueberry
- 10 almonds
Beat well all the ingredients except flour and blueberries. Fold in flour and then blueberries. Sprinkle crunched almonds on the top. Bake at 175 C for 20 minutes or until the top gets golden brown.
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